
The Hill Country Underground Water Conservation District (“District”) monitors wells in different aquifers across Gillespie County.  The water level monitoring network started back in the late 1980’s and has been an ongoing process.  The well monitoring network is used for monitoring the water level changes to assess the current conditions of the various aquifers.   The monitoring programs are the Ellenburger, Hensel and other aquifers.  By clicking each marker it will open up the hydrograph of each well. Additional hydrographs of wells will be added overtime.

The District provides the hydrographs as an advisory public service only.  Hydrographs are used to visualize variations in the water levels, if any, in the aquifer. Hydrographs are shown in feet below land surface and feet above mean sea level (MSL).  MSL is a reference point for elevations. Water levels fluctuations can result from a wide variety of hydrologic and hydrogeological reasons (i.e. rainfall recharge, well pumping, drought conditions). The District disclaims any liability for the hydrographs presented.


