Plugging Abandoned Wells

An abandoned well is defined as a well that has not been used for six consecutive months which does not contain a pump and is improperly capped.  Over the years, many wells around homes, farms, industrial sites, and urban areas have been abandoned without being properly plugged.  Not only are these wells potential groundwater contamination conduits, many are a safety hazard to children and animals.

Texas law makes the landowner responsible for plugging abandoned wells and, therefore liable for any water contamination or injury.  Although plugging an abandoned well takes time and money, these wells are a threat that cannot be ignored.

To assist landowners in Gillespie County, the District is providing well plugging material (bentonite chips – see picture below) at no cost to landowners that may own an abandoned well(s) in Gillespie County.   As of July 2014 the District has provided well plugging material to 80 landowners to plug their abandoned well(s).  State well plugging specifications must be followed and the well must not contain more than 100 feet of standing water to be able to use the bentonite chips.  Open abandoned wells are a threat to everyone since they pose a direct threat to the quality of water within our aquifers which we all depend upon. 

Please contact our office should you wish to participate in this program.  We are located at 508 South Washington and our telephone number is (830) 997-4472.