Water Testing Directions & Interpretation of Results

Bacteria Test

The District has an in-house laboratory.  The District offers bacteria testing for the presence and absence of Total Coliform Bacteria and E. Coli Bacteria. The District is not a certified laboratory and the results provided are for informational purposes only. The analysis results are intended to be representative of the water quality on the day of sampling only, and future samples from the same site may yield different results. The cost for the bacteria test is $8.00 and we also test wells outside the District for a fee of $8.00. Samples are taken Monday through Thursday only from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. If a holiday falls within the week, the testing schedule could change so please call before bringing your sample in. The District office is closed during lunch hour.  Please note there will be times no personnel will be in the office during normal business hours so to ensure personnel will be there, please feel free to call prior to bringing your sample in.

  • Bacteria samples must be received in the District office by 2:00 p.m. due to a time frame for positive/negative reading after 24 hours.

Bacteria Test – Requires a special sterilized container which is furnished by the District.

  • The water can be collected at the well or at the kitchen faucet.
  • Sterilize the inside of the faucet head with a match to kill any bacteria or disinfect the faucet with alcohol (if you have a screen on the faucet, remove it first).
  • Let the water run for a few minutes prior to collecting the sample.
  • DO NOT rinse the white powder out of the bottle.
  • Be careful not to touch the inside of the container with your fingers.
  • Fill the container to the fill line.
  • The sample should be brought to the District office within 6 hours of collection.

What Is Coliform

Well Disinfection